Access Sevaarth Mahakosh from & Mahakosh from addresses:
Sevaarth is a web based application software mainly used to generate the salary bills for the state of Maharashtra Government Employees.
Sevarth Mahakosh mainly used to integrate Payrolls, Pensions, DCPS, GPF and Loan Advances for smooth and easy operations.This website, Sevarth is designed and developed by NSDL (National Securities Depository Limited). Sevarth software is a very important part of IFMS (Integrated Finance Management System) in order to exchange the data with other modules i.e. Treasury Pensions, Accounting systems and Budget Estimation module (BEAMS).
Sevaarth can be accessed using the following link 24/7 below:
Mahakosh Sevaarth Mahakosh
#sevaarth #sevaarthmahakosh #sevaarthpayslip
Convenience of using SevarthMahakosh:
- Very easy to use by the Employees of Maharashtra Government
- Easy to apply for Travel and Medical Reimbursement
- For Vendor Payment and Income Tax Automation
- GIS payments are made easy
- Sevaarth can be used 24/7 and 365 days without moving physically which can also save time as it is online
- Employees of Maharashtra state can use any of the following Sevaarth links to view their bills by the following links
Mahakosh Sevaarth Mahakosh
#sevaarth #sevaarthmahakosh #sevaarthpayslip
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