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NHSMail Login: How to Get Your Emails Delivered Faster!


NHSMail Signin How to Avoid Delivery Issues and Get Your Emails Faster!

NHSmail Portal is a secure email system for NHS staff in England and Wales. It is designed to meet the needs of the NHS, including the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998. NHSmail is provided by NHS Digital, the national information and technology provider for the health and care system. NHSmail is a centrally funded, managed, secure email service designed to allow confidential information about people we care for to be shared safely.

NHSmail is the only email system that meets the requirements of the NHS Data Protection Act 1998. This means that NHSmail can be used to send and receive confidential patient information. NHSmail is also accredited by the Cabinet Office as an Official Government Secure Email Service. NHSmail is the national secure email service for health and social care. NHSmail accounts are being rolled out to all dental practitioners delivering NHS and private dental services in England.

NHSmail Login

NHSmail is available to all NHS staff in England and Wales, and is free to use. NHSmail can be accessed via the web, or by using an email client such as Microsoft Outlook. If you are an NHS staff member and would like to use NHSmail, please contact your local IT department.

How do you use NHSmail? How to access and activate your NHSmail account?

Click on the login button in the top right.

Enter your new email address in the email address box: *.******@nhs.net.

Enter the password sent to your mobile phone in the password box.

NHSmail is a free, secure email system that is available to all CQC- registered care providers in England who have achieved Approaching Standards on the Data Security and Protection Toolkit. Non-CQC registered providers can use the third party option at the bottom of the page. 

If you are accessing your NHSmail O365 services from a non-corporate device i.e. a home computer, personally owned laptop or in an internet cafe, you must gain explicit permission from your organization to confirm this is acceptable use.

If you have any trouble logging in, be sure to check the NHSmail FAQ for more help.

NHSmail Login access is available on all days through the link below:


Online users can search in any search engine for the following keywords to get NHSmail portal - 

NHSmail, NHSmail login, NHSmail portal, NHSmail Signin

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